Saturday, February 25, 2012

Building and planting the raised bed in February

Planted bib and a mescline mix lettuce in early February in our new experimental raised bed.  Kevin constructed using concrete blocks.  We put thin mulch paper on the bottom and then filled with half potting soil and half cow manure.  
It is now late February and I have planted several tomato and pepper seedlings, along with African Marigolds and Echinachea.
So far, these have been the most beautiful, fast growing plants we have ever had.  The soil in our ground is seriously deficient in organic material and possibly has nematode issues.  We are planning to build another raised bed for the fall garden, depending on how our tomatoes grow this spring.  We are lucky that we live right next to a commercial landscape supply store called The Yardstop.   This is where we get our soil by the pickup load. 

Butterflies, Marigolds, and Azaleas in February 2012

Zebra Swallowtail
A variety of butterflies are attracted by the amazing native azalea show in our area.

Gulf Fritillary
I have lots of marigolds planted for the butterflies and as pest control for tomatoes, peppers, and daturas planted in my raised bed.

Zebra Swallotail (left), female Black Swallotail (right)
I was able to get very close as they were very intent on their task.
We do nothing but prune after the bloom and use compost as fertilizer.  They love the naturally acidic soil and we love them. 
All the azaleas grow next door on our property that is very shady and wooded.  We have mostly varieties native to the central Florida area.