Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Devotion to the Black Swallowtail

Devotion to the Beautiful Black Swallowtail Butterfly

Black Swallowtail female on wild phlox (nectar source)

Next to the flowers in my backyard, that is basically an ancient sand dune that must be amended constantly with compost and manure, I grow a variety of host plants to feed the butterfly babies (caterpillars).  The Black Swallowtail butterfly's caterpillars eat herbs (host plants) from the carrot family, which includes many plants.  I grow only a few from this family, mainly dill, parsley, and fennel just to feed the swallowtails.  Although this year, I have many varieties of butterflies stop to drink from the nectar of my flowers, the Black Swallowtail butterfly is the one responsible for renewing my devotion to organic gardening and for creating an almost obsessive desire to grow flowers and plants to attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.  I discovered my first caterpillar eating my one little pot of parsley last year and this began a whirlwind of voracious reading and research about butterflies, which nectar flowers to grow for the butterflies and host plants to grow for their caterpillars.  My task became clear at once.  I must build them a garden.  The vegetables have taken a secondary position to the flowers and host plants, which take center stage.  But, the profusion of flowers are just a backdrop 
.behind the presence of beautiful flying visitors

Today, I am a completely devoted fan of butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds and love sharing my gardening activities with the world, if for no other reason than to create and share an awareness of nature that we sometimes forget is right in our own back yards.  The world is a beautiful place and all we have to do is look outside to see it.  So, I am going to show you a little piece of mine today with the beautiful Black Swallowtail.

Butterflies have brought me the closest I have ever been to experiencing Zen, fleeting though it may be, fluttering in and out of my soul, just as the butterfly does in my garden, or should I say, their garden. Let's put this into perspective:  I grow it for them.  I constantly say to myself, "if you build it, they will come."  This is my twist on the quote, taken from the movie "Field of Dreams".  Though a butterfly lives a short life cycle, and every few weeks when I see new babies I know most of the ones from just weeks ago are gone, they remind me to live every moment right now, and to appreciate the good and the beautiful things that life has to offer.  All I have to do is be willing to see it, feel it, live it, and share it. 

Enjoy my pictures, for I want nothing else except to ask of you to please be responsible in your garden.  Grow without pesticides so we may continue to enjoy the beauty of a our butterflies, hummingbirds and bees and appreciate the work they do for us in helping our food to grow.  They have a right to a healthy environment just as we do.

Black Swallowtail Female

Black Swallowtail Male

First stage or instar of a swallowtail caterpillar eating dill (host plant that provides food) after the egg hatches.

 May 2013. 
Two days of eating fennel (host plant) and the four or five caterpillars chomped this plant from four feet down to about two feet.  They aren't done yet.  I wonder if they will move to a different flower bed once this plant is devoured?

This is one of my first and most favorite pictures of the Black Swallowtail butterfly.  These caterpillars had devoured a pot of parsley on the ground below and then crawled up to the shelf above, created a chrysalis on this succulent and transformed into these beautiful creatures (male above, female below).
My nature experiment with a chrysalis habitat (thank you Julie).  I observed the whole process from caterpillar to butterfly.  I enclosed the caterpillar inside the habitat with parsley (host plant) and a week later it transformed to the following beauty.
A Black Swallowtail female born in a chrysalis habitat.  She was set free about an hour later, once she was ready to go.

I will close this blog for now and say to the perfectionists out there, "I am a work in progress, as is my garden."  Any comments and suggestions are welcome and I thank you for taking the time to read.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The butterfly garden is truly starting to put on a show.  The zinnias and pink phlox are at their height and truly take my breath away every time I go out to the garden.  Pictures can hardly capture the awesome beauty.
Zinnias and pink wild Phlox in the background

Zinnia flower bed
Bee on Tithonia
I would love to have a hive of honey bees, but I need to do a lot more research on the subject.  We have pets, and I want to make sure all family members are okay with the possibilities.
Silky Gold Butterfly Milkweed is starting to produce seed.  I am letting the seed fly away to find its own home to grow.

Pink Zinnia 

Bird's nest in my geraniums growing in the greenhouse.  I am not watering this plant anymore since there are three eggs and a momma bird in there.  She flies out at me every day and starts squawking.  Hoping the babies survive the cats.  I have a fence around the whole thing for protection.
Tomatoes are ripening

We have six tomato plants with ripening tomatoes, two hills of squash, several cucumber and  eggplants, and multiple green pepper plants.  I am not focusing that much attention on the vegetables since I am an organic garden and only use Joy soap as an insect deterrent.  Vegetables are not counted before they mature but we are grateful to be eating some fresh tomatoes.  Tomatoes are grown in huge containers with soil we bought at the local landscaping shop.  The green peppers are producing but are bitter, which means I need to spread more rich compost around them.  I never give up on growing vegetables, but keep trying new techniques.  More pictures of vegetables will be posted soon. 



Sunday, May 12, 2013

 Winter and Spring 2013

Since I am an organic gardener at heart, and several attempts at growing food for humans left me with many bugs and no human food, this year I have focused my gardening activities on growing food for the beautiful bugs.  I am growing some vegetables, but have scattered them in various places, not in the center stage of my garden. 

Many species of butterflies are starting to show up every day for the flowers and host plants, as well as the occasional hummingbird.  Here are the pictures. Enjoy!

Palamedes Swallowtail upper right.  Two Giant Swallowtails on the lower left.  The flower is a red Pentas.  This picture was taken in late winter 2013. 

Indian Blanket

Scarlet Salvia on the left and Indian Blanket on the right

Lady Bug on Silky Gold Butterfly Milkweed

Small pink Zinnias top and wild pink Phlox on the bottom

Monarch on Red Pentas in the fall of 2012


Blue Salvia and Red Pentas

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (female)

Palamedes Swallowtails

side view of a Giant Swallowtail

Hummingbird on Scarlet Sage

Lady Bug on Silky Gold Butterfly Milkweed

Zebra Swallowtail

Collage of Zebra Longwings on Tithonia
Red Spotted Purple

Gulf Fritillary on Tithonia
Zebra Longwings

Monarch (male) on Silky Gold Butterfly Milkweed
Wild Pink Phlox


Lance Leaved Coreopsis


Small Zinnia

Winter Pansey